
York Golf Club

York Golf Club

COURSE Designed by J.H. Taylor in 1904


A Warm Welcome to our visitors

The members, directors and staff at York Golf Club extend a warm welcome to all visitors, groups and societies who are visiting York to play our highly-respected golf course.

We are proud of our status as one of the premier member clubs in Yorkshire, where you will find a classically designed, beautifully maintained, mature tree-lined lowland heath course which is renowned for its exceptional greens.

It provides a fair, competitive and memorable test for golfers of all standards and we will give you a warm Yorkshire welcome and excellent value for money.

The course at York Golf Club is complemented by first class pre-game practice facilities (including a large driving range), excellent bar and catering options, and one of the region's best Pro Shops under the control of award-winning Head Professional Mark Rogers.

Click on these links to find out more about our superb course, the stature and history of the Club, our catering and hospitality, the membership options if you would like to consider becoming a member of the Club, and tee time availability.

Book Your Round Online

To make tee time bookings please visit the Book a Tee Time page, where you can find the current green fee rates.

Alternatively you can speak to the office on 01904 499800 during office hours, or leave a message on the same number outside office hours and at weekends which will be responded to on the next working day

Playing Format

When playing the course, visitors play off either our YELLOW or RED tees as appropriate.

If scoring individually, play must be in 2 or 3 ball format only.

4 ball format must be played on a better ball basis only and as stableford or matchplay.

Texas Scrambles or similar formats are not allowed.

Course marshalls are authorised to instruct players to leave the course if they are not complying with the above. 

Dress Code

Ahead of visiting the Club, we politely ask all visitors to familiarise themselves with the club's Dress Rules - HERE

On The Course

To help ensure all golfers receive a first-class experience, may we please ask that all golfers:

  • Rake bunkers, repair pitchmarks and replace divots.
  • Keep all trolleys and buggies off teeing areas, greens and approaches.
  • Do not leave litter on the course.
  • Maintain an awareness of safety, golfers are reminded not to play when fellow golfers are in range, and shout FORE if in the slightest doubt of the safety of others.
  • Report to the Managing Secretary if you have believe you may have caused damage to property or vehicles on or around the course immediately upon return to the clubhouse.

Course Safety

For your own and the safety of others, Visitors are requested to familarise themselves with the Club's Health & Safety Policy and be aware of the following items

Fog & Lightning :


In the event of an electrical storm, suspend play immediately & taken appropriate action. (Rule 5.7 applies).

Shelters do not provide adequate protection from lightning.

Do not continue play in fog/poor visibility, when you cannot see the clear distance of your intended shot. Only play when safe to do so.

Greens Staff : Have priority at all times.

Players should always alert greens staff nearby or ahead when they are about to make a stroke that might endanger them and wait for staff to move out of range.

Public Right of Way – Holes 2 & 11

Paths run across holes 2 and 11 adjacent to the course boundary fence and walkers have right of way. Priority must be given to members of the public. Players must not play shots until footpaths in range are clear.

Deep Water

There are several ponds across the course.  Players are advised not to attempt to retrieve golf balls from ponds.  Players enter water hazards at their own risk. 


To ensure the safety of all golf course users, buggy drivers are required to comply with the Club’s Buggy Policy and follow designated buggy routes at all times.  Take particular care on slopes and around ditches and deep-sided bunkers.

Course General:

  • Steps and Surfaces may be slippery when damp or wet. 
  • Golfers must ensure to wear appropriate footwear to meet the prevailing conditions and consider using metal spiked shoes in winter.
  • Wherever possible, keep to covered areas of Footpaths & Steps.
  • Take care on steep banks and when entering & leaving deep-sided bunkers.

First Aid

Assistance is available in the Clubhouse.



  • Players should not play until the players in front are out of range.
  • Players should ensure that no one is standing close by or in a position to be hit by the club, the ball or any stones, pebbles, twigs or the like when they make a stroke or practice swing.
  • If a player plays a ball in a direction where there is a danger of hitting someone, they should immediately shout a warning.  The traditional word of warning in such situations is “FORE!”
  • On hearing “Fore!” - Crouch, cover your head with your arms and count to 10.

You are advised to carry a mobile phone to summon assistance in an emergency.


AMBULANCE ACCESS POINTS:  Main Car Park & Greenkeepers Sheds


If you are booking to play during the winter season, you should note that the club operates a policy that mats must be used on all fairways in order to protect the course although players are allowed to move their ball into the first cut of rough and play from the rough without a mat. Mats can be 'hired' from the Pro Shop before play.

Get in Touch

Lords Moor Lane, Strensall , York, YO32 5XF
Telephone: Office -  01904 491840
Visitor Booking - 01904 499800
Pro Shop - 01904 490304
Email: Office - 
Pro Shop -

Captains' Charity 2024/25

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